Inspection Reports

Aiming for excellence in everything we do.

We are delighted to announce that we are officially excellent in every area.

In June 2022, Little Downsend Epsom was inspected and judged to be excellent. In March 2023, Little Downsend Ashtead, Little Downsend Leatherhead and Downsend School all received the same excellent rating.

An inspection is a rigorous process conducted by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). This involves a compliance inspection every 2-3 years and a full educational quality inspection between 3-6 years. To receive the highest possible rating of ‘excellent’ in the two key areas assessed – the quality of pupils’ achievements and the quality of pupils’ personal development, is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our remarkable team.


Excellent in every area.

The reports are split into two parts. The Regulatory Compliance Inspection Report can be found in pages 1-7 and focuses on the schools’ compliance with standards on safeguarding, health and safety, suitability of staff, provision of information, handling of complaints and leadership. Every school in the Downsend group was found to be fully compliant and judged to have met all standards.

The Educational Quality Inspection Report contains the rich narrative of pupils’ achievement and development, the ethos of the school and the exceptional experience that we aim to deliver at Downsend in every single year group from Nursery to Year 11. In every area, in every school, the judgement was found to be excellent.

Read the full reports:


In 2018, all Downsend Schools received a Regulatory Compliance Inspection.

Downsend met the standards in the schedule to the Education Regulations 2014, following lesson observations, examining samples of pupils’ work and formal interviews with staff, pupils and governors.

Downsend rated ‘excellent in every area’.

Downsend School

The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent. The school fulfils its aim to help pupils develop their emotional intelligence to build relationships and lead teams, become curious and critical thinkers and to equip them with digital mastery in a global context.

Little Downsend Ashtead

Pupils have outstanding attitudes to learning. They demonstrate high levels of motivation, engaging with focus and enthusiasm in lessons. Pupils have detailed knowledge, skills and understanding well above age-related expectations, supported by a strong appetite for new knowledge. Pupils are extremely articulate for their age, engaging and communicating with adults and peers with confidence and self-assurance.

Little Downsend Epsom

Pupils consistently attain well beyond age related expectations in reading, writing and mathematics. They achieve highly and make rapid progress over time. Pupils demonstrate extremely high levels of self confidence and highly advanced communication skills for their age. Staff relate extremely well to pupils and treat them in a warm and wholly encouraging manner. Pupils display notably strong teamwork skills.

Little Downsend Leatherhead

Pupils throughout the school make excellent progress. Work seen in books confirms that progress is rapid and achievements are high. Pupils demonstrate high proficiency in their levels of knowledge, skill and understanding across the curriculum including in music, sport, outdoor learning and French. Pupils are ardent story writers and tellers. Pupils also demonstrate an excellent ability to be creative and use their imaginations.

Downsend School

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