Our Results

Academically excellent.

The academic achievement of Downsend’s pupils, at every stage, is something we are very proud of. We will always say that a child should never be judged by data alone, for their skills, talents, and strengths are far greater than what can be tested through assessments.

But, this does not mean that our pupils are not achieving the most stunning results. Because they really are. They work hard. We work hard. We work hard together, to make sure that every single pupil aims high, and reaches places they may never have felt possible.

Each section below shows our excellent results in every part of the school. Downsend became an ‘all-through’ school in September 2020 so our first full cohort of GCSE results were released in August 2023.

GCSE Results 2024

97.8% of grades achieved were 9-4.
90.5% of grades achieved were 9-5.
44.4% of grades achieved were 9-7.

Notable Achievements


90% of pupils received all grades 9-7 in Biology, Chemistry and Physics


100% of pupils received all grades 9-7 in Fine Art

The Class of 2024 has achieved some outstanding results this year, both in terms of Value Add and the specific grades themselves. For the second successive year, our students outperformed both the national and independent school benchmarks in terms of Value Add. We could not be more proud of them!

 – Ian Thorpe | Head

Previous Results - 2023

97% of grades achieved were 9-4. The equivalent of grades A*-C
37% of grades achieved were 9-7. The equivalent of grades A*-A
On average, pupils achieved 0.6 grades higher than they had previously been predicted in their Year 9 assessments

In 2022, eight Year 10 Downsend pupils took their GCSE Statistics exam one year early. These pupils were the first to take their GCSEs at Downsend since its transition from a Prep School to a through-school. All pupils received grades 9-6 which is the equivalent, in the old GCSE marking system of A* - B.

100% of pupils achieved grades 9-6

It is not a national requirement to assess children in Years 3 to 6, so we use GL Assessments to provide personalised learning programmes for each child. This data refers to the percentage of pupils meeting or exceeding national averages.

44% of Junior School pupils achieve 'above average or very high' results in English

43% of Junior School pupils achieve 'above average or very high' results in Maths

We use GL Assessments to provide personalised learning programmes for our young people. At the end of each year, Progress Tests in English and Maths help us to identify areas of strength and those for greater support. This data shows the percentage of pupils meeting or exceeding national averages.

28% of pupils in Y7-9 achieve 'above average or very high' results in English

36% of pupils in Y7-9 achieve 'above average or very high' results in Maths

In 2021, the DfE did not require schools to complete a mandatory data return due to the ongoing pandemic. The data compares our children's progress in 2021 against National and Surrey averages for 2019 (the last time a mandatory data return was required). This data shows the percentage of pupils meeting or exceeding the expected standards.

It is not a national requirement to assess children in Years 3 to 5, so we use GL Assessments to provide personalised learning programmes for each child. At the end of each year, children take Progress Tests in English and Maths. In 2021, we slightly altered the data set that we capture so this data does not compare to previous years. This data refers to the percentage of pupils meeting or exceeding national averages.

We use GL Assessments to provide personalised learning programmes for our young people. At the end of each year, Progress Tests in English and Maths help us to identify areas of strength and those for great support. This data shows the percentage of pupils meeting age related expectations or higher vs national benchmarks.

Results from 2020 - 2017

Click on the below links to see further results from 2020 to 2017

Downsend School

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